Home -> Solved problems -> What is (-1)^pi equal to?
What is \((-1)^{\pi}\) equal to?

&(-1)^{\pi}=? \\\\
e^{i \theta} &=\cos \theta+i \sin \theta \\\\
e^{i \pi} &=\cos \pi+i \sin \pi \\\\
\end{aligned} \\\\
(-1)^{\pi} &=\left(e^{i \pi}\right)^{\pi} \\\\
&=e^{i \pi^{2}} \\\\
&=\cos \pi^{2}+i \sin \pi^{2} \\\\
& \simeq-0.903-(0.430) i
Home -> Solved problems -> What is (-1)^pi equal to?
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Home -> Solved problems -> What is (-1)^pi equal to?