Home -> Solved problems -> e^pi or pi^e
\(\mathrm{e}^{\pi}>\pi^{\mathrm{e}}\;\;\;or\;\;\;\mathrm{e^{\pi } < \pi ^ { \mathrm { e } }}\)

Let’s solve the problem,
&\frac{\pi^{e}}{e^{\pi}}=\frac{\pi^{e}}{e^{\pi-e} e^{e}}\\\\
&=\frac{1}{e^{\pi-e}}\left(1+\frac{1}{\frac{e}{\pi-e}}\right)^{\frac{e}{\pi-e} e \frac{\pi-e}{e}}\\\\
Let \(f\) the function defined by,
We know that \(f\) is an increasing function for \(x>0\) and \[\lim _{x \rightarrow\infty}\left(1+\frac{1}{x}\right)^{x}=e\]
&\Rightarrow\left(1+\frac{1}{\frac{e}{\pi-e}}\right)^{\frac{e}{\pi-e}} <e\\\\
&\left.\Rightarrow \frac{1}{e^{\pi-e}}\left(\left(1+\frac{1}{\frac{e}{\pi-e}}\right)^{\frac{e}{\pi-e}}\right)^{\pi-e}<\frac{1}{e^{\pi-e}} e^{\pi-e}=1\right.\\\\
&\Rightarrow \frac{\pi^{e}}{e^{\pi}}<1
\[\huge \Rightarrow e^{\pi}>\pi^{e}\]
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